Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay on Second Character Role in Hamlet by William...

In many stories, the concept of a secondary character role is often overlooked and deemed irreverent. However, in the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare and the novel Fifth Business by Robertson Davies, the secondary characters Horatio and Dunstan Ramsay respectively both play a crucial role in the fulfillment of â€Å"Fifth Business†. According to Davies, Fifth Business are those roles which, being neither those of Hero nor Heroine, Confidante nor Villain, but which were nonetheless essential to bring about the Recognition or the denouement† (Davies, Preface). Fifth Business represents a person who is paradoxically a â€Å"supporting character†, but has the largest impact in the development of the main character(s) and the plot. With that†¦show more content†¦Hamlet could theoretically soliloquize the whole play, but it is his conversations with Horatio that truly reveal what the Prince is really thinking and feeling. For example, insight on Hamlet ’s troubled nature is first revealed when Horatio says â€Å"My lord, I came to see your father’s funeral† (1.2.176) and Hamlet sarcastically responds with â€Å"I prithee, do not mock me, fellow-student; / I think it was to see my mother’s wedding† (1.2.177-78). Such influence on Hamlet proves that Horatio is valuable in the interpretation of the recognition and denouncement of Hamlet’s inner self. Secondly, Horatio has proven to be the anchor of reason to the plot; his role as Fifth Business is heavily credited to his intelligence and rational thinking. From the first scene, Horatio is calm and reasonable, as he is not afraid to confront and reason with the ghost. He demands it to speak if it knows what the future of Denmark is: â€Å"Speak to me, / If there be any good thing to be done / That may to thee do ease, and grace to me, / Speak to me, / If thou art pricy to thy country’s fate, / O, speak! / Or if thou hast uphoarded in thy ice / Extorted treasure in the womb of earth, / For which, they say, you spirits oft walk in death, / Speak of it, stay and speak!† (1.1.129-39). Lastly, Horatio, above all, is Hamlet’s only true and loyal friend. As part of their close relationship, Horatio makes it clear when HamletShow MoreRelatedHamlet, By William Shakespeare Essay1453 Words   |  6 PagesHamlet by William Shakespeare explores many aspects of mankind--death, betrayal, love, and mourning. Out of these, the most prominent theme in this play is death in the form of suicide. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Were Nationalistic Beliefs Ultimately Responsible for the...

Were nationalistic beliefs ultimately responsible for the outbreak of the First World War? Can nationalism be held solely responsible for starting what is usually regarded as the most destructive war, at least in terms of human lives, the world had ever seen? The answer to this question is a solid no. Though nationalism played an important role in the outbreak of the war there are many other contributing factors which must be taken into account. Imperialism, militarism, the arms race and the balance of power in Europe were all important factors that lead to WW1. The conflict commenced when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, the capital of Serbia. This act, however,†¦show more content†¦Acknowledging that Germany was the leader in military organization and efficiency, the great powers of Europe copied the universal conscription, large reserves and detailed planning of the German system. Armies and navies were greatly expanded during the late 19th century. For example, the standing armies of France and Germany doubled in size between 1870 and 1914 while naval expansion was also extremely competitive, particularly between Germany and Great Britain. By 1889, the British had established the principle that in order to maintain naval superiority in the event of war they would have to have the largest navy. As Britain increased their output of battleships, Germany correspondingly stepped up their naval production. Ultimately militarism, which was spawned from nationalism, created the arms race which greatly heightened tension among the European powers and was a significant contributor to the outbreak of WW1. Perhaps the other inter-related key cause of WW1 was imperialism which contributed to the increase of rivalry in Europe. Imperialism was the desire of nations to own colonies and form an empire. By 1900 the British Empire extended over five continents while France had control of large areas of Africa. The amount of lands owned by Britain and France increased the rivalry with Germany who had entered the scramble to acquire colonies late and only had small areas of Africa. Accordingly, itShow MoreRelatedWorld War I ( 1914-1918 )2472 Words   |  10 PagesWorld War I (1914-1918) was the first war to involve almost all of Europe; Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, and Russia all participated. The war wiped out a significant amount of the young generation and changed politics, economics and public opinion in Europe for decades to come. While many countries had a role in the war’s outbreak, Germany probably bore the greatest responsibility due to three facto rs. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Everglades Research Paper Free Essays

The Florida Everglades is the state’s most highly visited park in the state. The Everglades is also home to thousands of animals, reptiles, and plants. Many tourist travels just to get a glimpse of the many exotic reptiles. We will write a custom essay sample on Everglades Research Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although, the Everglades is very beautiful it’s also one of the most endangered parks in the state. The park is endangered from humans and land developments. The state has laws imposed to protect the everglades. In order for people to save and protect the Everglades there are things we have to do on part. Throughout this essay I will go into depth about the different species, human threats, and what we can do to protect one of our states natural wonders. The Florida Everglades formed from the Kissimmee River and Lake Okeechobee, this mass body of swamp lands stretch’s over 11,000 square feet. (U. S Department of, 2011). The Everglades has imbedded itself into our ecosystem, which has formed biological structure for the southern half of the state. Many, of the species depend the on the biological structure that the Everglades provides to the land. Many mammals such as the Florida Panther only found in the state and is classified as endangered species calls the Everglades home. Florida Panther depends on the warm weather and vast land to survive. The Florida Panther continues to be an endangered species because it has been hunted by tourist. Many, other mammals, such as deer’s, rabbits, and fox’s all depend on the biological structure found within the Everglades. The White Tail Deer, one of the most beautiful deer’s and highly favored in classic fairy tales such as Bambe. The White Tail Deer are commonly found in other parts of the world but In Florida the White Tailed Deer is particular smaller than the others found in the country. They are particularly smaller because they don’t have all the extra layers of fat, which other deer’s living in other parts of the country need to protect them from harsh winters. The White Tailed Deer depends on the biological structure for food; the deer’s feed on the saw grass found within the Everglades. The Marsh Rabbit is also found within the Everglades, is the most dominant member of the rabbit family found in Florida. The Marsh Rabbit depends on the biological structure for a couple of reasons. The rabbits depend on the wet marshes and pinelands, over the years they have adapted to the biological structure. The Marsh Rabbits are unlike many other rabbits, since they have adapted so well they have become great swimmers. Many tourists have claimed to see the Marsh Rabbit swimming within the marsh lands. Another, animal that has grown to the divine biological structure of the Everglades is the Gray Fox. The Gray Fox builds their home within the marsh lands, a den semi under the ground. The Gray Fox also is the only fox that can climb trees, this asset puts it above the other fox’s because it gives them a unique hunting ability. The Everglades are filled with hundreds of different mammals but the Everglades is also home to many different reptiles, tourist flock to the Everglades in hopes of catching a glimpse of the American Crocodile. The American Crocodile is one of the most well known reptiles hidden within the depths of the Everglades vast swamp. The American Crocodile is a predator and can be seen with a protective boarder, the crocodile depends heavenly on the biological structure of the Everglades. The swamp land doesn’t only help them prey on other animals but also keeps the crocodile from being prey. The American Crocodile is a huge reptile but it also is prey to hunters and snakes. Snakes are another reptile that rules the swamp lands of the Everglades. In recent reports Anaconda’s have been reported to be in the Everglades and they prey on all animals. Despite the different reptiles found within the swamp of the Everglades, many birds are commonly found within the Everglades. In the 1800’s John Audubon stated, â€Å"The sky was often darkened by the flocks of numerous birds above. (U. S Department of, 2011). Many birds would flock to the Everglades during the winter to escape harsh winters from up north. The Everglades skies aren’t filled with as many birds anymore due to numerous reasons. One of the saddest reasons that many animals and reptiles are losing their homes is because of humans and land development. The beautiful of the Everglades is simply breathing all the creatures and different plant life is a joyous site to witness. The beauty of the Everglades that past generations has witness isn’t the same that the current generations witness. As the years progress we continue to do more harm to our beloved Everglades. We continue to push our animals to relocate and find new homes because we take away their land for our own personal developments. The population continues to increase and that calls for newer and better developments, more and more of the Everglades is being taking away from plants and animals. This land that is being taken away from the plant and animal species is being turned into communities, shopping plazas, and other new buildings. The Everglades once rumored to be 22,000 square feet has over time become no more than 11,000 square feet. This major drop over years and years is a result of land development. The continuation of taking land away from our animal and plant life in the Everglades can result in horrible consequences. Animals will eventually be forced to find homes somewhere else and we will lose valued plant life. The land development has become a problem within the Everglades and we are destroying a treasured park in our state. As much as we are destroying our land, tourists are bringing even more problems to our Everglades. In the year of 2003 many viewers witness all over the world a snake devour a crocodile. Many, people sat shocked and watched the event reply on national news channels repeatedly and many of these viewed wondered how this could be happening in our Everglades. Since the beginning of time some people have loved to have exotic pets and many times with these exotic pets people don’t understand how to tame the animal. In consequence of not being fully aware of how to tame an animal decide to rid themselves of the animal by dumping them into the wild. The Burmese Python has become a favorite pet among many individuals and many of these individuals don’t understand how to tame the python. Many of this pythons has been found in the Everglades and other animals that don’t belong in the Everglades have been found. Animal dumping is increasing and people are using the Everglades as place to dump unwanted pets. The Burmese Python does not belong in the Everglades because it has an increasingly hungry appetite for other animals and the climate in the Everglades is the perfect climate for pythons. The pythons can survive in the Everglades climate and have many different animals to choose from to devour. Some estimates, there are now 150,000 pythons in the park and there is no doubt that pythons pose a grave threat to the fragile Everglades ecosystem. † (Scholastic Scope 2010) All these issues need to be addressed from the dumping of animals to land developments because we are in many ways destroying one of national treasures. There are many groups around the country and state devoted to helping our national parks. Unfortunately these groups can’t save our Everglades by themselves; they need assistance from community and state government. There are many ways to help protect the Everglades; the easiest form is by sending monetary denotations. Monetary donations help fund different projects and groups committed to saving the Everglades. Another, way for an individual to help save the Everglades is through volunteer work, taking time out of their schedule and help clean up the Everglades. Individuals can also write letter and petition our government to do more for our Everglades. The government has a great influence on people, they can do more to help protect the Everglades. Our Everglades is a national treasure and is beautiful park home to many different animals and plant life. The Everglades provide numerous benefits to our ecosystem. Many animals and plants depend on the Everglades and its habitat as a source of life. We as individuals have to protect that way of life for the animals and plants. In process of protecting the everglades for other species, we are also are helping to protect our ecosystem. The different situations in the Everglades can improve but it will take a full effort from parts. Protecting and providing homes for all the different species in the Everglades is very important and very fundamental to our lives. How to cite Everglades Research Paper, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Don Giovanni free essay sample

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart In 1787 In the midst of the Enlightenment of the 18th century. Per the textbook and class discussions, This was a time where people started questioning the authority of the nobility and clergy, and the middle class wanted more power in the government. People were not depending as much on the church for their social mores at the time and were becoming more pleasure seeking. This of course led to The French Revolution In Europe and The War of Independence In America. The list of characters I will be discussing in this paper is as follows: Don Giovanni is an aristocrat who goes around seducing women and abusing his rower over them. He Is a Lothario and seems to like partying Like a rock star. He Is very arrogant and seems to feel that he is untouchable. Doing whatever he wishes. He reminds me a little of former President Clinton with his sex addiction. He has a strong, commanding Baritone voice which portrays to me that he is used to getting his way. Donna Anna is outwardly a respectable noblewoman engaged to Don Titivation who claims Don Giovanni tried to rape her In the opening scene. She has a very rich and strong soprano voice which, Nay. She is not one of my favorite characters nor is her voice (probably because she reminds me of myself). It gives a domineering demeanor to her. Don Titivation is Donna Annas fiance who is very committed to Donna Anna doing anything to protect and serve her. We discussed in class how people see him as a weak person with which I disagree.I see him as a man besotted with a woman who doesnt appear to be as in love with him as he is with her. He reminds me of my partner who will loyally bend over awkward for the person he loves, a personality of which it could be easy to take advantage for a person like Donna Anna. He has a beautiful tenor range, my favorite of the male voices, oozing loyalty for his betrothed and the strength and courage to be truly noble. II Commendatory is Donna Annas father. He has a booming bass voice that conveys authority and strength.It is very commanding slower and thorough, especially when he appears later as his ghost. He is murdered in a duel with Don Giovanni while defending his daughters honor and protecting his home. Donna Eluvia is a woman who was seduced by Don Giovanni and has mixed feelings of love for him and anger at being betrayed by him. She has a soprano voice which conveys that same haughty Giovanni and softens hen she expresses her affection and concern for him. Leprosy is basically, along with Donna Eluvia in a certain way, the comic relief.He is Giovanni unhappy servant who comes to his aid in getting him out of the scrapes Ninth the ladies. I used to somewhat have that role 20 years ago in my wild youth when I was best friends with a Don Giovanni type named Ray. I used to always make excuses for him but would later tell his paramours not to waste their time with him, pretty much intimating the notches Ray had on his belt. Leprosy has bass voice that causes me to perceive a working class quality to it. However, I could lust be prejudiced since I already know that he is a servant and not of the nobility. M starting by writing on opening of the opera. It opens with Leprosy complaining about having to wait on Don Giovanni hand and foot 24 hours a day, seven days a week Ninth no rest. The music sounds staccato and fast as he is complaining about working so hard for o little with only a few only a few string instruments accompanying him. The instruments sound monophonic. Then when he resolves that he will no longer serve Don Giovanni, the music slows down, retaining that 4 beat measure, becomes louder and more flowing.Leprosy is basically singing along with the accompaniment and not veering off of it. His voice is moderately deeper, a higher bass, and heavy being an overburdened servant. I think of my present Job, which I loathe, and feel similarly to Leprosy, Anatine to leave it and fearful at the same time, since there are no favorable alternatives at this moment. I feel as burdened as he. The music continues this way through the rest of Leprosys aria. hen Donna Anna and Don Giovanni enter, the music becomes much more dramatic and fast.Nile Donna Anna and Don Giovanni are arguing back and forth, their harmonies do not seem very consonant, but more dissonant, which shows that disagreement between the two. Leprosy comes into the middle of this duet singing his own melody while Donna Anna and Don Giovanni continue singing their duet with the dissonant harmony with passionate syncopation. The music is ere fast paced and as aromatic as the voices. Don Giovanni noble sounding baritone and Donna Annas dramatic soprano vices add to the intensity of the song. I think of the arguments my parents used to have when I was a child.My mother would try to overpower my father verbally and vice versa. II Commandants then enters with his powerful and authoritative bass voice, tries to defend his daughter Donna Anna and confronts Don Giovanni. The music slows as II Commandants starts singing. His rhythm is noticeably slower and deliberate, ominous sounding. Don Giovanni response to him is becoming louder in Hyannis and faster in tempo with many minor keys until Don Giovanni stabs II Commandants. There is then a cadence by the performers and the orchestra which ends on a dissonant chord.As II Commandants dies, the music resumes with much softer dynamics and slower tempo. Each performer, II Commandants, Don Giovanni, and Leprosy each sing their own melodies, II Commandants and Don Giovanni have a bit of consonant harmony which seems to say that the conflict is reaching resolution and the scene comes to an end. Ere next scene on which I have decided to write is the one where Donna Anna discovers her lain father. During Don Giovanni and Leprosys recitative, there is a harpsichord playing in the background to support their conversation.It continues to do so when they exit and Donna Anna rushes in with Don Titivation to assist her father. Her tempo is very fast paced and almost shrieks. Titivations is ere quick, as well, displaying a sense of urgency. When she finds her father, slain on the floor, her dynamics descend and she sings slowly and more softly, lovingly, as she begins to discover that he is, in fact, dead. When she does, she screams Padre MIM and almost sounds like she is Nailing. I think of my mom after my dad died and how she would become so soft and loving when she Mould fuss over him in the coffin at the wake. Eng dolorously. Anna and Titivation affect a darker tonality to their voices. As Titivation tries to console her, his melody becomes more flowing. Anna still has the halting cadences as she is not fully responding to his Norms as of yet. He doesnt seem to be saying the right words. There have been many times in my life En I have seen someone in despair and not known what to say but wanting so badly to help them but saying the wrong things. She comes to life when the idea of revenge comes to her. At once, the music becomes dramatic, and she makes Titivation swear to avenge her father.They then unite in my favorite set of harmonies in the whole opera. They give a unified front when they sing. They alternate different rhythms between stopping at the end of phrases or stopping at the end of syllables and lots of syncopation. Titivation seems to follow and echo what Anna sings. She has the more powerful voice which purveys to me that Titivation is in love with Anna and will do anything for her. Therefore, she has Titivation under her control. He next scene on which I am writing is the one where Donna Eluvia first appears. She is very distraught about being abandoned by Don Giovanni.In her aria, the music starts off pretty regularly in the first phrase. However, using her dramatic coloratura soprano voice, she proceeds to move up and behind her displays a rushing frantic tempo but seem the dynamics seem pretty subdued compared to her singing. At the end of the song she does these trills that are dizzying to me. The pitches are almost out of tune. It makes me think she is crazy, which she is at this point, love crazy for Don Giovanni who sings in a very saccharine, and mocking way to her pretending to console her, singing at a slower tempo than she.I am reminded of a past relationship where I was so crazy about the person I Nas seeing that I could not think straight. I remember that when it ended, I would go through a range of emotions, anger, love, hate, betrayal, despair, mocked, and heartbroken because my love was not returned. After the recitative between her, Don Giovanni and Leprosy, Leprosy sings about all the Omen Don Giovanni had and to get over him. I feel he starts off hesitatingly with the truth about Don Giovanni, with his halting phrases at the beginning of his aria.However, after a nervous start, the tempo becomes more flowing and Leprosy seems to gain confidence and maybe even excitement as he counts how many women Don Giovanni seduced in each country. While counting he even breaks the rhythm when he gets to France and Turkey. When he gets to Spain, he slows down and repeats Mille e tree as if to drive the point home to her. It gives me the feeling that Leprosy may live curiously simultaneously. I used to marvel how my former friend Ray would meet so many people and persuade them to sleep Ninth him so easily. Eave to admit that I would become a bit Jealous of him. It is uncertain to me whether Don Giovanni tried to rape Donna Anna or not. I can not find enough evidence to prove she was a willing party. I do believe that Anna has Titivation Unwrapped around her finger and is the boss in the relationship. I feel that Titivation is blindly besotted by Anna and seems to be more into her than she is with him. I feel that she is using him more as a protector since she has no one left in her life after the death of her father. I have played both Donna Annas role and Don Titivations role in different relationships.It seems easier to be a Donna Anna and not give control away to another person. However, the best relationship would be to have a mutually giving Don Giovanni is a character of many excesses and fears. By his behavior, he is afraid to fall in love with anyone and would rather hurt someone rather than be the one getting hurt. He is similar to Donna Anna in the way that he wants to be in control and not fall in love. He wants instant gratification and has no discipline. I was hoping that he would have repented of his ways and let go of his fears fallen in love with someone.Unfortunately, Mozart want to teach the lesson that there is a consequence to actions. Have good intentions but go out of control with their emotions, besotting themselves with Don Giovanni, for Eluvia and Donna Anna, for Titivation. Eluvia goes crazy since Don Giovanni abandons her for further pursuits. Don Titivation seems to have given his entire will over to Anna and needs to begin to value himself more. Both of them trust blindly. That led to Elviss unfortunate state of mind, and Titivation is Milling to give his life to a woman who may not be entirely innocent. Both characters leave me with a sadness for them.Mozart portrays the characters very realistically through their voice types, their tones, and the rhythms, and dynamics in the music. What I have taken away from this story, is a little shame and awareness of my own relationship and where it needs improvement. Ive taken from it that I need to learn how to give and not Just take. I saw that the character I seem to most resemble is the Donna Anna character, a domineering personality who is used to getting his way. My partner definitely resembles Don Titivation and is willing to give me my way. It could be a lot worse though. I could resemble Don Giovanni!