Friday, November 29, 2019

Lake Isle of Innisfree free essay sample

Introduction: The poem I chose was â€Å"The Lake Isle of Innisfree† by William Butler Yeats, and the song I chose was â€Å"Pocket Full of Sunshine† by Natasha Bedingfield. A harmony with nature and peace is the main focus of these diverse works. William Yeats Background Information -Yeats had a life-long interest in mysticism and philosophy. -An abundance of his poems included the setting of his homeland, Ireland. -As an adult, Yeats often yearned for and desired the quiet life in Sligo. His carefree child-life experience in this serene environment inspired him to write The Lake Isle of Innisfree. Theme Statement One may often desire a simplistic way of life and aspire to reach harmony with nature in order to escape the chaos of modern society. Summary of â€Å"The Lake Isle of Innisfree† -The speaker, which we infer to be Butler, says he is going to â€Å"Innisfree†, whichis a place in West Ireland. We will write a custom essay sample on Lake Isle of Innisfree or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Yeats didnt invent it but his creation made this setting more whimsical and made it seem immortal. -He adventures to this magical place to build a simple, quaint cabin where he will have a bean garden and honeybee hive. -The purpose of this trip is to reach a state of peace. He is drawn to the rural area of Innisfree and wants to leave his urban environment to experience a state of serenity. 1st Stanza 1 I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, 2 And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made: 3 Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee; 4 And live alone in the bee-loud glade. -The first and second lines are basically saying how the speaker wants to go to this place of wonder â€Å"Innisfree† to live peacefully and alone in a cabin. -An image of a cabin surrounded by a bean garden and a hive for honey bee’s to roam freely is depicted in the third and fourth lines in the first stanza. 2nd Stanza 5 And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow, 6 Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; 7 There midnights all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow, 8 And evening full of the linnets wings. Line 5 is basically stating why the speaker wants to go to Innisfree, its for peace and peace of mind. Lines 6, 7, and 8 are generally placing the image of nightfall and encompassing this beautiful environment as he says â€Å"midnight’s all a glimmer†. 3rd Stanza 9 I will arise and go now, for always night and day 10 I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; 11 While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey, 12 I hear it in the deep hearts core. Line 9 is almost a reminder that the speaker is not necessarily at this island. Line 10 is an image of the island Line 11 mentions how the speaker is in an urban area as he mentions grey pavement and the roadway. Line 12 mentions the speaker’s passion and longing to visit this Isle of Innisfree. Sound Devices in The Lake Isle of Innisfree: Structure: 3 stanzas with four lines each Because each stanza is four lines, this poem is an example of a quatrain. Rhyming Scheme- ABABCDCDEFEF Lyric Poem The rhythm and rhyming scheme adds to the poem’s soft, dreamy and hypnotic tone. Alliteration I will arise andgo now, andgo to Innisfree, And a smallcabin build there, ofclay and wattles made; Nine bean rows will Ihave there, ahive for thehoneybee, Andlive alone in the bee-loud glade. And I shall havesome peace there, for peace comes droppingslow I hearlake waterlapping withlow sounds by the shore -As you can see alliteration is present in those following lines Assonance- ‘I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree’ Line 1 has the repeated short i sounds in will and Innisfree† which is an example of assonance. And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made: In line 2, youll hear two more examples of assonance small and wattles repeat one a sound ‘I hear it in the deep hearts core. ’? Note in this last line of the poem the ‘ea and ‘ee’ sounds in this line. These sounds reveal a tone or mood of longing in the poet. Allusion- â€Å"Nine bean-rows† This is an allusion to Henry David Thoreau’s transcendental writings in â€Å"Walden†. In this poem he mentions wishing to have nine bean rows and a hive for the honey bee. Henry Thoreau, American author and poet, had nine bean rows near his cabin at Walden Pond. Imagery â€Å"And live alone in the bee-loud glade† ; â€Å"midnight’s all a glimmer† ; â€Å"water lapping with low sounds by the shore† , These lines give the reader the sights of a swarm of bees, of nighttime and gives us sense of calmness and tranquility. Metaphor And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow -The slow, simple pace of life resembles peacefulness, and serenity (line 5) Symbol Innisfree Yeats uses â€Å"Innisfree† as a symbol. The Lake Isle of Innisfree is used to show that there is a place for everyone to find serenity. It allows people to escape the constant pressure of city life. It allows one to be worry and stress free and take the time to appreciate nature. Innisfree is ultimately the symbol of inner peace and freedom. ________________________________________________________________________ Theme Statement Repeated One may often desire a simplistic way of life and aspire to reach harmony with nature in order to escape the chaos of modern society. Pocket Full of Sunshine – Natasha Bedingfield Pocket Full of Sunshine By Natasha Bedingfield I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine. I am in a happy state I got a love, and I know that its all mine. I have reached peace Oh, oh whoa Do what you want, but youre never gonna break me. You will not bring me down Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me. I will not let you affect my disposition No, oh whoa Take me away (take me away) I want to go somewhere without chaos and cruelness A secret place (a secret place)Somewhere, by my self where no one will be able to intrude A sweet escape (a sweet escape)A serene place where I can peacefully think Take me away (take me away)I want to leave now Take me away (take me away)Let me find a place free of all the turmoil and madness To better days (to better days) To a place where I can be myself and live as I once was Take me away (take me away)Take me to this place of peace A hiding place (a hiding place)A place where I can escape all this madness I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine. REPEAT (chorus) I got a love, and I know that its all mine. Oh, oh whoa Do what you want, but youre never gonna break me. REPEAT Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me. No, oh whoa I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine. REPEAT I got a love, and I know that its all mine. Oh, oh whoa Wish that you could, but you aintgonna own me. I will not allow you to take over Do anything you can to control me. You may try to overpower my emotions but will fail, as I am stronger now Oh, oh no Take me away (take me away) REPEAT A secret place (a secret place) A sweet escape (a sweet escape) Take me away (take me away) Take me away (take me away) REPEAT To better days (to better days) Take me away (take me away) A hiding place (a hiding place) Theres a place that I go,There is somewhere I go to escape That nobody knows. Where no one may bother me Summary: The song Pocket Full of Sunshine is basically mentioning how no one can make her unhappy, or in a weary state due to one’s hurtful and crude remarks. She is basically stating she is always content with herself and no one can change that. When she may be in an unhappy state due to other people’s opinions or her surroundings, she goes to a place where she can contemplate, reflect and may become happy or in a state of peace again without crude remarks bothering her. Main 2 stanzas Take me away (take me away) I want to go somewhere without chaos and cruelness A secret place (a secret place)Somewhere, by my self where no one will be able to intrude A sweet escape (a sweet escape)A serene place where I can peacefully think Take me away (take me away)I want to leave now Take me away (take me away)Let me find a place free of all the turmoil and madness To better days (to better days) To a place where I can be myself and live as I once was Take me away (take me away)Take me to this place of peace A hiding place (a hiding place)A place where I can escape all this madness These two stanzas mainly embody main focus of the poem as both William Butler and Natasha Bedingfield share the craving to reconnect with nature. Nature here is presented as a place of tranquility and peace; and a place where one can be themself. ____________________________ Sound Devices: Repetition Rhyme Refrain Obvious repetition of the chorus takes place as well as rhyme. Assonance: â€Å"Take me away, a secret place. A sweet escape, take me away. Take me away, to better days. Take me away, a hiding place. † As show assonance take place throughout this song. ________________________________________________________________________ Conclusion: In conclusion, many similarities may be pinpointed in two fairly different works. The theme of the love of nature as an escape can be identified throughout both the song and poem.

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